Cam Atkinson is waiting for one thing from Chuck Fletcher

Published April 30, 2022 at 4:11 PM

Chuck Fletcher will have his hands full this summer. He wants his team to be competitive next season, and with the way things went this year, he will have to make a lot of moves in order to put the Flyers back in the playoffs race.

Cam Atkinson has high expectations towards his GM. During his exit press conference, the Flyers forward said that he hopes that Fletcher makes some moves this summer in order to turn things around.

Well, it seems like we have a good news for Atkinson : his GM wants to be active during the offseason. The question is the following : will he be able to do everything he wants? In order for the Flyers to be good next campaign, Fletcher will have a very tiny marge of error.

It's now or never for him. If he fails, it could very well be the end of the Chuck Fletcher era in Philadelphia.
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