Was The Benching Of Hayes And Konecny Just A Page Out Of Tortorella's Playbook?

David McLeod
October 27, 2022  (1:16)

Much debate has ensued, regarding John Tortorella's benching of the Philadelphia Flyers leading scorers, Kevin Hayes and Travis Konecny.


Hayes and Konecny found themselves riding pine to start the third period against the San Jose Sharks, with the Flyers trailing 2 - 0. The pair remained on the bench for duration of the game.
Watching the game, it was difficult to justify Tortorella's decision to center out Hayes and TK, based on their play alone. The Flyers were on the tail end of a back-to-back, after a difficult road trip versus Tampa Bay, Florida, and Nashville and it didn't appear anyone was generating opportunities or playing overly solid, error free hockey.
Must read on FlyersInsider
Tortorella's decision to bench two of the Flyers veteran leaders, was likely a calculated move, especially early in the season and his being new to the team.
If Ryan Kesler's interview with Spittin' Chiclets this week is any indication of Tortorella's master plan with the Flyers, it's safe to assume Tortorella is looking for a response and sending a message to a relatively young lineup. Just take a quick listen through the video slideshow in the post below for reference:
Tortorella's actions were about establishing the teams identity and determining their resolve. It sends a strong message to the lineup and the players within the organization, there is a new expectation about what it is going to take to wear the Orange and Black.
Alienating Hayes and Konecny in the short term, should have impactful, long term benefits. The teams response this week to Tortorella's calculated decision, not just Hayes' and Konecny's response, should be an indicator as to how this team will deal with adversity and respond to a challenge.
With the vacant captaincies for the Flyers, it could also be part of the audition process for Hayes and Konecny. Sean Couturier is without doubt a leader for the Flyers and the final decisions on letters being earned and awarded may hinge on his return. Couturier, Scott Laughton, Ivan Provorov, Hayes, and Konecny are all likely candidates to land a letter.

Expect the Flyers to be on their game against the Florida Panthers tonight, as Carter Hart tries for his fifth straight win to start the season.

The full Kesler interview with Spittin' Chiclets (Episode 412) is linked below.